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  • David Hyland

Journal Blog Week 7 (Final)- Review on Marketing Analysis with Production Team

*Week 7 Reading: "Marketing Metrics" by Paul Ferris

-Chapter 11: Marketing and Finance

In this last chapter, it goes through some interesting parts about Return on Investment (ROI) and Net Profits, Return on Sales (ROS), Interests and Tax rates. There was so much information to go through that even I couldn't thing of utilizing in any of my analysis. So far, the Return on Investment and Return on Sales were the ones that matter to me since it talks about just how much of a company's profit would be returned if we spent a number of dollars and it meets with our targeted sale. We did not go through much from our class time since we are finishing our Financial reports, but it does help to know that most of what we have been doing has only been practice. If we were actually in charge of financial management, then I'm afraid that we would lose our confidence in putting together our reports without having concrete proof of our current game market. Not that i'm saying that the lesson is difficult, but there's a lot to process within 7 weeks of financial marketing.

Weekly Production Review

Since this is the final week, I have started to speed up on my assignments and completed the production financial reports on their Metrics, Marketing Analysis, and Advertisement strategies. Right now, I am compiling all of that information together as the production Financial Report and adding together a Financial Analysis, where I would need to ask as my conclusion in How much funding would we need to bring the product to market, How much will the product make if sold on Steam, and what percent of the profit would require funding. Most of the courses I have taken were not this challenging. Granted, I think this is just one of those subjects where I need to refine my marketing skills better and try finding my own marketing pattern to how I would evaluate the budgets for the game release. As for the Grey Area team, I have been reviewing their latest work through Milestone Reviews and notice that they're doing their best to complete the game from the pre-alpha stage. I do not feel that confident in my financial reports, but I would like it if they would keep it as reference to when they build their final product. At least now, they will have some marketing guide towards building a better business plan.

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